Bhamini Vilas - Page 128

Bhamini Vilas - Page 128

Vs. 1.-विशाल.. विकलितम्-विशालं च नद् विषयाटवीवलयम्, तस्मिन्द्
लकों यो इावानलस्तस्य प्रचृत्वराः ( प्रसरणशीला: ) शिखा:, तासां आषलीभिः विक-
लिनम् । ब्रिषयाः-व्िशेषेण सिन्वन्तीति विषयाः Those that fotter the mind
and the scul anore and more i, e. worldly pleasures or objects.
Saa k pahorest region. Worldly pleasures are fraught with
as many dangers as a forest region is. For, from the philoso-
phical point of view, they try to prevent the soul from
realizing its oWE true nature; and antil tbe soul realizes the
truth it will bare perforce to journey on in the Sansāra.
Herce the Gs are spoken of as a ' forest-region.' ara a
confiagration. It stands for the desires to enjoy'. are
oiten campared with firs. Tra-spreading. Formed from g+a
by the addition of the termination a. The idea of the first
two lines:
desires ( 14S ), These desires even when satisfed do not die
down, bu:, on the contrary, continue to grow. In the end,
the mind becomes confused on account of its being tossed
hither and tbither by ceaseless desires.
The numberless woridly pleasures inflame the
अमन्दमिलिन्दिरे- अमन्दा
मिलन्ती च इन्दिरा (शोभा ) यस्य तस्मिन्न्. माधुरी-मधुरस्यभावः The faee of
Šrīkrsņa is invitingly beautiful. a a, derived from the
rt, to delight. ana a a pers. sing. Imperativa of the
denominative verb from aar, aaa a a To behave like a cakora.
चकोर इष आचरनि. ' कतुः क्यडक सलेपश्च ' ( Pan. 8. 1. 11 ) इति क्यङू.
Jast as the cakora pines for, and gazes steadfastly at, the sight
of the moon, so lat my mind earnestly concentrate itself in the
devotion of Mukunda,
The metre is Tut.
Vs, 2.-जलधिन्दिनी ete.जलधिनन्दिन्याः ( लक्ष्म्या: ) नयने नीरजे
इुब, तयोः आलभ्बन । Laxmi fondly gazes at her lord विष्शु i. e. कृष्ण.
Visņu is the resting-place of the eyes of Laxmī. Laxmī is
caled जलधिनन्विनी beoeuse along with the moon, the कोस्तुभमणि,
the ऐरावत and others, she was born from bhe श्षीरसप्रद्र wरher it
was ohurned by the gods & the demons.
ज्वलन् यो ज्वलनः ( अग्निः ) स इव जित्वरः (जयशीलः ) यो ज्वरभरः तस्य त्वरया
ज्वलज्ज्वलन eto.-

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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