Bhamini Vilas - Page 93

Bhamini Vilas - Page 93

we complain ?a akis a bird that cannot drink water from
ordinary reservoirs. In order to quench its thirst, it has to
depend on rain-water; hence the cätaka is described by
Sanskrit writers as continuously appealing to the clouds in
the sky to pour down showers of rain.
लाषिणा भवता चातकत्रतं गरहीतम् ।-Vik II. Read the following wel]-
known verse from Bhartraari : रे रे चातक सावधानमनसा मित्र क्षणं
श्रूयताम्भोदा बहबो बसन्ति गगने सर्वेऽपि नैतादृशाः । केचिद्धृ्टिमिराठ्द्रयन्नि बसुर्धा
गर्जन्ति केचिद्बृथा यं यं पद्यसि नस्य नस्य पुरनो मा ब्ू हि दीनं बचः ॥ नी. श. ३1.
The metre is शाूलविक्रीडितम् .
What callousness-or cruelty, shall we say?-characterizes
the man of plenty who, knowing indeed that there are those
who are entirely dependent on him and are some-how passirg
their days of adversity in the hope of help from him, gives to
them, not bread, but stones !
of. अन एव दिव्यरसाभि-
Vs. 35.--दुवदहुन०-दवस्य दहनः, तस्य जटालानि ज्वालानां जालानि
(सूहाः ), तेः आहनाः, तेषों दृवदहन... हतानाम् . दव-A forest, जटाल - cox-
fused, enbangled. formed from जटा + the तद्धित् s लच्; मिध्मा-
दिभ्यश्च 1-Pan. 5, 2. 97, म्लायनाम् - Cen. plu. of Pres. part. from म्लै to
In fade, the first two pādas, there is the Gen, Absolute cons-
truction which is ased for showing disregard or contempt, c
a Pān. 2. 3. 38. The meaning is: In spite of the trees
which are drying for want of water etc. -A bill.ef. raag in
Ragh. 2. 34. aa kan T hy. For grammatical notes tide notes
on vs. 5 above.
The metre is मालिनी.
Men intoxicated with the wine of wealth are indiscrim-
inate in their generosity. They lavish their assistance on
unworthy persons, while others really deserving it are simply
ignored. Be generous' would be an incomplete commandment,
it should rather read, Be generous where generosity is due;
f. ज्यलन्तं बह्निम्ठत्सृज्य नहि भस्मनि छ्रयते ।
Vs. 86.-हन्त-अनुकम्पायाम् . showing pity. विश्वानि०- विश्वस्य (जगतः)
आर्ते: ( पीडायाः ) वारणाय समर्पितं जीवनं ( उदकं जीवितं वा ) येन सः; Who

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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