Bhamini Vilas - Page 103

Bhamini Vilas - Page 103

Qualities do not depend upon accidents like age, etc. They
21e, if at all, in the bilood, C. सिंहः शित्रुरपि निपतनि मदमलिन-
कपोलभित्तिषु गजेषु । प्रकृतिरियं सत्ववनां न खद्ु बयल्नेजसी हेतु: ॥
৪8. Also तेजसां हि न वयः सभीक्ष्यते । Ragh, 11. 1, and ' न स्वन्टु बयसा
जात्यैतायं स्वकार्यसहो भरः ।
Bhar. 1.
Vik. 5, 18.
Vs. 60.-मासिक- A month old.
बति ठजू (इक). मध्येजठरम-Inside Lhe womb. जठरस्वमध्ये मध्येजठरम्.
This Adv. Comp, is formed according to gi a a a ' Pān,
2. 1. 18. Even though the foetus in the womb of the lioness
is only a month old, yet the poet says-with exaggeration, of
2ourse-that it is conscious of its enmity with elephants. The
Edes is the same as in the preceding stanza.
* कालाहनू' (Pan, 4. 2. 11)
Vs. 61.-बेतण्ड...पन्थिना- बेतण्डानीं ( गजाना) गण्डा: , नेपा कण्डूती
( ग्वजने) यत्पाण्डित्यं नम्मिन्परिपन्धी, नेन । Who is a rival in the skill of
scratching the itch on the temples of elephants. The idea
seems to be this: The olephants know how to scratch the itch
{ ef. कण्डूयमानेन कटं कदाचित् etc. RB&gh. 2. 37. or, मायत्कुअरगण्डभित्ति-
-कषणेर्भश्रन्त्रवच्चन्दनः । अछg. 1. 8); but the lion also kaows that.
He plants his sharp talons on the temples of elephants-scratch-
ing the itch with a vengeance !
Vs. 62.-FF:-Birth. aga-Exquisite beauty, the sweet-
ness of appearance. The beauty of the lotus-flower rivals with
that of the face of a pretty woman. a attempts to
ওxplain मधुरता रामाप्रुखस्पर्धिनी in another way also: तव मधुरता जहत्स्वा-
र्थया गङ्गायां वोषः इत्यादिवऱ्वन्मधुमाधुरीत्यर्थः । रामेति । यावत्सीउणा या रमणी
तस्या यन्तुखं निरुक्तलक्षणया तदेकदेशोऽsधरस्तत्स्पर्धिनी स्वाधिक्येन तद्विरोधिनीत्यर्थः ।
The first two lines are almost an echo of the first two lines of
verse 89. महाकविगिरां सर्वस्वम् - The every thing' of the speech of
great poets. All these facts make the poets seize on you
( the lotus flower) as the subject of their speech. a k And
you are the best possession of the god of love. The lotua-flower
১s one of the five fowerarrows of Madana, of. अरविन्दमशोकं च
সूनं च नवमल्लिका । नीलोत्पलं च पञ्चैने पञ्चवाणस्य सायकाः ॥ प्रीनिं उरीकृ -To

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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