The sense remains the same in both of these. zoga Leans
* beings born of Guņas '. Here there is a reference to aa, Ta5
and aaa, which the
the three gus forming Prakriti-from
universe is evolved. The idea of the second pāda is : the good
han reslizes that behind the apparent differences in the
things of the world, they are homogeneous and (metaphysically
spea king) identieal, ललित-0barming. उडात्तमहिमा- The sariant
is aa Greatness eculiar to a gererous man.
The second meaning refers to the Bahuvržbi componad in
grammar and describes its various essent:al aspects from a
technical point of view. q7 ets.-The Bahuvríbi eompound
is formed in order to denote something not expressed by the
words forming the ce mpouLd
94 and the gloss on अन्यपद़ थें ' given in the तत्वबोधिनीः समस्यमान-
पदातिरिक्तस्य पदस्यार्थेइत्यर्थः ॥ In the case of a Dyandva Comp. bota
the members are equally prominent (T ); in a Tatp. the
second member is prominent, the firat being only an appendage
( Ta ). In the Bah. Oomp., on the other hand, neither of
them is prominent, for the cmp. being adjectival in charaoter,
qualifies and refers to a substantive not
the comp. itself. For instance the cemp. a consists of
two words হत and पत्र.
either of these two qas but something else which has got a
hundred petals: शत पत्राणि यस्य नत् कनलम्. Hence the Bahu. eomp.
subordinates its own meaning ( ) and refers to something
else ( 4 ). eate.-It is necessary ior the formation of
a Bhu. comp. that its members agree with each other in their
cases when dissolved i. e, they must be समानाधिकरण. Cf. अभ्थमा-
विभक्त्यर्थे बहुत्रीहिगिनि समानाधिकरणानामिति फलिनम् । Sia. Kau. For
nstcnce, प्राप्तमुदकं यें प्राप्तादको ग्राम:ः । ऊढो रथो येन स ऊढरथोऽनड्ान्
etc. In these instances the sabordinate words (ITns)
f. ' अनेकमन्यपद़ार्थे -Pan. ३. 2.
contained in
But the comp. aa e does not denote
aaa Bahuvrihi is allowed only in the Gen, & Loc. Oases.
सप्तभीविशेषणे बहुत्रीहौ -Pan. 2. 2. 85.