Bhamini Vilas - Page 116

Bhamini Vilas - Page 116

Vs, 93.-भर:-Barden. घर्मव्यथा-0ppression of heat, रुजू --
Pain. a etc.-Prople eut down trees for the sake of
fael, of. कियदपि च्छिन्न तुषाग्दितेः। Verse 55 above, वदान्य-Cener-
It is for the s ke of others, and not for their own selves,
that trees bear the burden of le ves, flowers and fruits, or
expose themselves to excessive sunshiue or Lumbing cold;
more than that, they even lay down
zervice of others. What a lesson they teach to rational
beings !
their 'bidy ' in the
TEe metre is वसन्ततिलका.
Ys. 94.-पिपासनि, चुच्ुम्बिषानि are Desiderative forms of पा to
drins, and चुम्बू. कौतुकेनEagerly. कालानलः - fire of Destruction,
the Sre which blazes forth when the end of the aniverse is at
-Willingly, or to one's heart's con eut, aqE-
A serpent, aai-verily, aa -To bring under one's control,
to please, मनीषा-desire मनस: ईषा मनीषा formed according t0 the
वार्निकः शकन्ध्वादिधु पररूपं वाच्यम्'( तच्च टे: । Sad, Kau. ).
TPhe metre is बसन्तनिलका.
One should have nothing to do with a wieked man. For,.
like deadly poison, or fre, or a cobra he only harms bim who
tries to lead him on the way of good men.
refers to the dangers involved in, and not the impossibility of,
bringing a villain round, Bhartrhari dwells upou he latter
in bhe verse : व्यालं वालमृणालनन्तुभिरसौ रोद्धं
ञ्छिरीषकुछुमप्रान्तेन सन्नह्यने । माधुर्य मध्ुबिन्दुनः रचयितुं क्षाराम्बुधेरीहते नेतुं
बाञ्छाति यः खलान्पथि सनां सूक्तैः सुधार्यन्दिभि ः ॥ 1. 6.
H-re the poet
सम्ुल्जृम्भने छेत्ुं षज्रमणी-
Vi. 95.-aA Of the poor helpless peasante.
Ignoring, passing by. औद्न्यम्-उन्ननस्य भावः High or exalted
position. gie:-Vainly arrogant. When men rise to an elevat-
ed position, they become obsessed with their own vainglory
and lose their power of discriminati on, cef. Verse 35 above.
R, G. reads tais verse as follows : दानानामिह परिहाय शुष्कसत्यान्या -

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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