कलिन्दनगरनन्दिनीतटवनान्तरं भासय-
न्सदा पथि गतागतश्रमभरं हरन्प्राणिनाम् ।
लतावलिशतावृतो मधुरया रुचा संभृतो
ममाशु हरतु श्रमानतितरां तमालब्रुमः ॥ ४ ॥
जगज्जालं ज्योत्स्नामयनवसुधाभिजेटिलय-
अनानां संतापं त्रिविधमपि सद्यः प्रशमयन ।
श्रितो वृन्दारण्यं नतनिखिलवृन्दारकवृतो
मम स्वान्तध्वान्तं तिरयतु नवीनो जलधरः ॥ ५ ॥
ग्रीष्मचण्डकरमण्डलभीष्मज्वालसंसरणतापितमूर्तैः ।
प्रावृषेण्य इव वारिधरो में वेदनां हरतु वृष्णिवरेण्यः ॥ ६ ॥
{ May that Tumāla tree. endowed with captiva-
ting lustre, and surrounded by hundreds of bushes of
creepers, which lights ap tue interior of the forest on
the banks of the Jumnu. the daughter of Kalinda
mountain, and which relieves the great exhaustion of
living beings caused by their coming and going on the
rvad-may that Tamala-tree destroy well and quickly all
my exhaustions.
3 Showering the whole world with a bundant
uncommon (a ambrosia which is as refreshing as
moonlight, alleviating in no time the three-fold op-
pression of men, residing in the Vrnda forest, and
surrounded by all gods who bow to him, may the
extraordinary eloud (i. e. Srikrşna) dispel the darkness
from my heart.
O May the best of the Vrsnis relieve, like a cloud
of the rainy sea son, my distress, oppressed that I am
by the mundane existence which is as terribly scorching
as the orb of the summer sun.