down the plain bub golden rule for them : विशेषतः सर्वविदांसमाज
গिभ्षणं मौनमपण्डितानाम् ।
Vs. 72.-परुष- Harsh, अलव्धशाणेास्कषणाः- न लब्धं शाणे उत्कषणं
. which are not whetted on the whet-stone. The diamond is
primarily a rough-hewn dug-out stone; when it is whetted on
the whet-stone, it attains to its proper lustre and shape, and
becomes it for use in the coronets of kings, ei etc.--of.
मणिः शाणोल्लीढः ete. Bhar. 1. 44.
The metre is उपजानि
The way to greatness lies through discipline. The rebukes
of elders which are always well-meent act like a whet-stone
and help bring out the best in a man.
Vs. 8.-मीपटलम्-A clot of jet. बिधुः-The moon. भजनें -
F-continuously bears. -The dark spots in the moon,
popularly believed to be the figure of a hare or a deer which gives
the names 5TIRTa or gg to the moon. The various views about
these spots are summed up in the following stanza: s
शशङ्किरे जलनिधेः पडुं परे मेनिरे सार ड्गं कतनिचित्च संजगदिरे भूच्छायमेच्छन् परे ।
इन्दौ यहलिनेन्द्रनीलशकलश्यामं दरीदृश्यते नत्सान्द्रं निशि पीनमन्धतमसं कुक्षिस्थमा -
चक्ष्महे ॥. पिश्रनजन-The wicked.
It may appear strange that the king should maintain the
wicked; but, says the poet, there are others, too, who do the
same thing : the sandal tree bears serpents, the lamp bears jet,
and the moon the dark spots.
The metre is पुष्षिताम्रा.
Ts. 74-अमन्दम् adv.-Exeeedingly. अनुक्त एव - Though not
asked to do so. कैरविणीकुलानि-clxsters of lotus-plants. केर-
quit-The lotus-plant whose flowere bloom at the sight of
the moon, of. पझाकर दिनकरो विकचीकरोनि चन्द्रो विकाशयति कैरबकरवालम् ।
নাभ्यर्थितो जलधगेऽपि जलं दुदाति सन्नः स्वयं परहिते सुकृताभियोगाः ॥
Bhart, 1. 74,
Vs. 75.-ra-Used in a double sense: (i) Having drunk
(ii) Having swallowed. A wicked man turns ungrateful i. e •